One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting
Our guaranteed maximum response time for any technical support ticket that you open or any email that you send is only one hour, even in case you contact us on weekends and national holidays. Irrespective of the nature of your issue or query, we will lend you a hand momentarily and will provide you with the required info to rectify any problem with your websites. The actual response time normally does not exceed 15 to 20 minutes, which is why you can forget about waiting for hours on end to get an issue solved or even worse than that – waiting a whole day only to receive a response that more information is required while nothing is resolved. We will offer you assistance without any delay simply because we realize how expensive time can be in the dynamic online space. The sixty-minute response guarantee applies to any billing or technical query that you might have with regards to our shared website hosting plans.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
We guarantee that if you submit a helpdesk ticket from your hosting Control Panel or send an email connected to your semi-dedicated server, you will receive a response within less than one hour. You can contact us at any time with regard to billing, technical or general matters and given the fact that we will be at your service around the clock, you will always receive help in a timely fashion. Based on the specific issue or question, we’ll supply you with more information, rectify the complication if it has been caused by something that is within our reach or inform you what to do on your end in case you have to edit a particular setting for a software application that we don’t have access to. You can just forget about waiting for a whole day for each single response. In reality, in most cases we respond to tickets and emails within no more than 20 to 25 minutes.