.CAPITAL Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .CAPITAL registration $57.49 $114.98 $172.47 $229.96 $287.45 $344.94 $402.43 $459.92 $517.41 $574.90

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.CAPITAL yes yes (EPP) yes yes 1-10 years

Registering .CAPITAL Domain Names

Finding the perfect domain name can be difficult - these days there are many millions of .COM domain name already registered. And you need your domain name to sound attractive, so that site visitors could remember it if they visit it once. In addition, you want it to communicate the nature of your web sites from just one look. If you use a .CAPITAL domain name you can accomplish all of that. The .CAPITAL domain extension was offered for public registration recently, therefore you will find plenty of outstanding domain names to choose from. Also, it's more attractive and you will be able to generate witty combinations which will be immediately remembered by all your website visitors.

With Alian Software you could get a .CAPITAL domain name for only $57.49 a year.

.CAPITAL Domains with Alian Software

Stuffed with all of the features which you might need, our Domain Manager was built with a particular purpose in mind - that is to enable you to control a number of domains at the same time with ease from a single place. Using quick-access menus, you will gain total control over your .CAPITAL domain's DNS options. And then you'll be stunned at just how quick it can be to forward a domain name with our special tool. You can quickly broaden your web presence if you benefit from our unlimited domain parking option. As it is, locating a better home for your new .CAPITAL domain name is a ‘mission impossible'.:)

And in case you opt to open a hosting account with Alian Software, our custom Web Hosting Control Panel will enable you to control both your domain(s) as well as your website(s) effortlessly from one and the exact same location.