Perl is a well-known programming language and one of its key advantages is that it supports the so-called modules - short bits of code that contain subroutines and execute multiple tasks. The convenient side of working with modules is the fact that you won't need to write custom-made code or include the entire code for a specific task every time it should be performed. Alternatively, you can include only one line in your Perl script which calls a particular module, that consequently will perform the needed task. Not only will this provide you with shorter and optimized scripts, but it will enable you to make adjustments faster and much easier. If you are not a programmer, but you would like to start using a Perl application which you've discovered on the worldwide web, for example, it is very likely that the application will need some modules to be already installed on the hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Shared Website Hosting

If you'd like to employ Perl-based apps on your sites - ready-made from a third-party site or custom-made ones, you're able to benefit from our vast module library. With over 3400 modules installed on our custom-made cloud hosting platform, you will be able to execute any script, irrespective of the shared website hosting plan that you select. When you sign in to the Hepsia Control Panel which is provided with all accounts, you'll be able to see the whole set of modules that we have as well as the path that you need to add to your scripts so that they will access these modules. Since we now have quite a massive library, you can find both popular and rarely used modules. We prefer to be on the safe side, so in case some third-party script that you need to work with needs a module that isn't that popular, we'll still have it here.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers

Every single semi-dedicated server that we offer will allow you to use any Perl-based web app that you wish, regardless if you've made it yourself or if you've downloaded it from some third-party site. In either case, it'll run flawlessly irrespective of the modules it requires since we have a large library which includes over 3400 different modules. The full list is accessible in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that's used to take care of the semi-dedicated server accounts. Along with the list, you will also see the directory path to the modules, in order to know what you should add in your scripts in order for them to link to these modules. Examples of what we have are URI, DBD::mysql, Image::Magick and LWP and we supply such a large number of modules to ensure that any kind of script will be able to run in spite of its specifications.