Linux is a well-known Operating System, which is widely used for web servers, due to the fact it features a range of advantages over other Operating Systems. It's considered to be the most secure Operating system nowadays and because of the way it functions, infected files will simply not work. Considering that Linux is free to use, no license fees will be included to the price that you will have to pay for your website hosting service. That, in turn, enables the provider to personalize the Operating system based on what they and their clients want, getting rid of unwanted packages to boost the OS and the server’s general performance. Linux servers frequently include the Apache web server software, which processes site access requests. Apache is additionally 100 % free and easy to personalize, not to mention that it is extremely fast and light with regard to the system resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment that many of the most well-known script apps require – WordPress, Joomla, Moodle, etc. The LAMP configuration is the most popular one worldwide, due to the fact that it is stable and simple to take care of.

Stable Linux with Apache in Shared Website Hosting

All the web servers which are an integral part of our groundbreaking cloud hosting platform run Linux so as to ensure their fast and stable operation, which will in turn lead to better overall website functionality. That's valid for every website that you host within a shared website hosting account with us. Each part of the website hosting service (e-mails, databases, files) shall be taken care of by its own group of web servers, so only one type of processes shall run on a particular machine, which will contribute to the amazing loading speed of your websites even more. You may use HTML, Perl, Python, JavaScript and any other web development language for your sites, as they all can run on a Linux hosting server. Additionally we use the Apache web server, considering that our experience through the years has shown that it is probably the ideal piece of software of its sort.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are set up on a cutting-edge custom made platform. A separate group of servers deals with each and every service - databases, email messages, files, etc., and since we highly prize the benefits of a customizable, secure and dependable OS, all the machines which make up the groups run Linux. The OS permits us to make the needed improvements, not to mention the improved speed, as just one type of process runs on the hosting server, unlike the conventional website hosting platform provided by most companies in which everything runs on a single server. Additionally, we use the Apache web server too. We have tested its capabilities throughout the years, so we've confirmed that it will give us as a provider and you as a customer the desired speed and versatility for the most effective web site performance.