What is Moodle?

Supposing that you represent an educational institution and you also plan to make your courses available on the web, then Moodle ought to be your number one choice. Moodle supplies an online tutoring web app that is created specifically for educators and tutors, who would like to make their programs available on the web.

In the interest of it’s specialised audience, Moodle was made to be easy to use by both the educator and also the student, so that it can be more handy. Because of this, you will find such a sizeable community, focused entirely on developing plugins and themes that extend Moodle’s core functions.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no connection with Alian Software.

Online Learning Shared Website Hosting Plans Services

Provided that you manage an online course for pupils, your website must be constantly available on the www, disregarding how many trainees are visiting it concurrently. At Alian Software one can find dedicated Online Learning shared website hosting plans services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. Therefore irrespective of what transpires, your site will invariably remain on the web.

All of the Online Learning shared website hosting plans packages additionally include infinite disk space, infinite data traffic and infinite MySQL storage. To kick–start your educational portal, we additionally provide a free domain name registration or domain transfer. Also, we shall configure Moodle for your web site the minute you join. Therefore, once you log in inside of your control panel, you’ll have your Moodle site already available on the internet, waiting for you.

A Point & Click Website Control Panel

Alian Software’s Online Learning shared website hosting plans bundles are supplied with a user–friendly and uncomplicated Website Control Panel, that has been solely designed by us. It is presented in more than 10 languages and color options, which enables you to thoroughly customize it to your personal preferences. The Control Panel boasts a point–and–click user interface with a variety of tools, that will provide you with complete control over your content.

Within the Control Panel you will find a drag–and–drop File Manager in which your e–learning portal’s content will be saved, a Database Manager for your personal databases, and also a complete E Mail Account Manager where you can handle your e mail communication with pupils. Additionally, we have implemented a detailed statistics tool, which will keep you up to date on your traffic and resource consumption in real time.