24x7 Support

Contact us 24x7x365

You can get in touch with us 24x7 with all the questions that you might have regarding our shared website hosting services. You may contact us via email and through the ticket platform and we will reply to you within up to one hour. Actually, our average response time is less than twenty minutes. Moreover, you can phone us or use live chat during business hours.

24x7 Support

Website Installer

Start your personal web sites with just a mouse click

All our hosting packs offer you a quick way to develop your own site, even if you lack special knowledge. Thanks to the Quick Website Installer built into the Alian Software Website Control Panel, building your business or personal site is quite simple – all you have to do is to select the kind of site that you want and a desired web template. We’ll install your new site in a second and will send you details on how to control it with just a click of the mouse.

Website Installer

Free Templates

100+ free–of–charge Joomla and WordPress website themes to select from

You can easily download a new Wordpress or Joomla template with one click of the mouse from your Website Control Panel. You don’t need to go to any 3rd party websites for top–quality web design templates. We have an enormous collection for you readily incorporated into your web hosting account. Just select the web site layout that you like and push the Download button. All design templates are totally free for you.

Free Templates

Web Stats

Keep an eye on your sites twenty–four–seven from your web hosting Control Panel

The Website Control Panel includes a bunch of detailed web statistic tools that will give you detailed info related to your sites. You will be able to examine your site’s traffic in more detail and find out everything regarding your website visitors – where they come from and what device and Internet browser they are using. You will be able to select from among three separate web statistics tools – the famous AWStats and Webalizer tools and a brand new full–featured web analytics tool that we’ve developed with your tips and suggestions in mind.

Web Stats

Website Builder

Save money on web design – publish your own web site with a single mouse click

Save some money on high–priced website design solutions – we offer you all the tools that you will need to get the job done on your own. Using the handy Free Website Creating Tool, you can create a whole website with a simple mouse click using one of the offered pre–defined design layouts. After that you can incorporate the custom content. We offer 100+ web design skins for both personal and business sites showcasing various color combinations.

Website Builder

True Cloud Platform

We have utilized the latest cloud server technology when constructing our own hosting system, which is insusceptible to occasional service disruptions and network downtimes. All of the services associated with your site like DNSs, email messages, databases, web applications, etcetera are handled by different physical servers to ensure that even if there’s an overload issue, your site will still be running seamlessly.

True Cloud Platform

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our packages is set up for your needs cost–free. 30 day refund. 99.9% service uptime. 1 hour reply–back time.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a quick look at the quotas and features provided by every one of our hosting bundles. You can start off with a smaller plan and upgrade with simply a mouse click when your website grows.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us whenever you want within business hours on weekdays for any pre–sale or common questions concerning Alian Software’s services. Give us a call whenever you want.